Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Laboratory Exercise: The Digestive System


The walls of the alimentary canal from the esopha-gus to
the anal canal have the same arrangement of tissue layers-.
These layers are referred to as coats or


tunics -(Figure 16-2). There are four tunics of the canal.
From the inside out they are called: the tunica mucosa
(TYOO-nih-kah myoo-KOH-sah), the tunica submu-cosa,
the tunica muscularis, and the adventitia (ad-vin-TISH-
ee-ah) or tunica serosa (see-ROH-sah).

Digestive System (^)
has a specific performs specific (^)
(^) Structure enables Functions (^)
(^) includes (^)
(^) Accessory
ducts lead to Digestive^
See Concept^
(^) organs tract Map^
16 -^2
(^) include includes (^)
Liver, (^) Salivary Oral (^) Stomach Small Large (^)
gall- Pancreas (^) glands cavity, intestine intestine (^)
bladder pharynx, (^)
esophagus (^)
(^) lead leads leads (^)
to to to (^)
secrete secretes secrete secretes (^)
(^) has (^)
(^) Acid (^)
(^) Sodium (^)
Bile^ Numerousenzymes bonatebicar-^ Amylase^ secretionsNumerous (^)
(^) solution (^)
(^) Pepsinogen (^)
embedded (^)
in (^)
(^) Small
mucosa (^)
Concept Map 16- 1 The digestive system.

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