Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

376 Chapter 16 (^)
Digestive System (^)
has a specific performs specific (^)
Structure enables Functions (^)
(^) include (^)
See Concept Elimination of Homeostatic Absorption (^) Digestion
Map undigested regulation of (^) of
16 -^1 food^ of calcium,^ digested^ food^
residues^ iron,^ nutrients^
phosphate (^)
(^) allow controlled (^)
rate allows (^)
aided by (^)
(^) Digestive Digestive (^)
tract exocrine (^)
movements secretions (^)
(^) controlled by (^)
(^) Nerve (^) Hormones
(^) contained within secreted by (^)
(^) ® (^)
(^) Cengage
(^) ©^
Concept Map 16- 2 The digestive system.

  1. The tunica mucosa is the innermost lining of the ca-
    nal and consists of a mucous membrane attached to a
    thin layer of visceral muscle. Three layers make up the
    mucous membrane. The first is an epithelial tis-sue
    layer (endothelium), which is in direct contact with the
    contents of the canal; the second is an un-^
    derlying layer of loose connective tissue called the
    lamina propria (LAM-ih-nah PROH-pree-ah);

the third is the muscularis mucosa. The epithelial
layer functions in protection, secretion of enzymes and
mucus, and absorption of nutrients. The lamina propria
supports the epithelium, binds it to the muscularis
mucosa, and provides it with its lymph and blood
supply. The tunica mucosa of the small intestine has
another special layer, the muscularis mucosa, made of
muscle fibers that produce folds to
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