Paget’s disease common disease of bone with symptoms
that^ include irregular thickening and softening of the bones^
Palatine bones form the posterior part of the roof of the
mouth or part of the hard palate^
Palatine tonsils tonsils commonly removed in a
tonsillectomy Pancreas a large digestive gland of the
alimentary canal
Pancreatic islets islets of Langerhans; endocrine portion of
the pancreas^
Pancreatic cancer fatal cancer of the pancreas
Pancreatic juice a mixture of digestive enzymes in the
Papillae projections of the lamina propria covered with epi-
thelium; produce the rough surface of the tongue^
Papillary ducts ducts that empty urine into the renal pelvis
Papillary muscles small conical projections on the inner sur-
face of the ventricles^
Papillary portion the layer of the dermis that is adjacent to
the^ epidermis^
Papule a solid skin lesion
Parasympathetic division part of the autonomic nervous
sys-tem that operates under normal nonstressful conditions^
Parathyroid glands four glands embedded in the thyroid
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) parathormone; the hormone of
the parathyroid glands^
Parenchyma composed of the cortex and the renal pyramids
of the kidney^
Parietal refers to the walls of a cavity
Parietal bones form the upper sides and roof of the cranium
Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid in the stomach
Parietal lobe control center in the brain for evaluating
sensory information of touch, pain, balance, taste, and
Parietal pleura outer layer of the pleural membrane of the
Parkinson’s disease a nervous disorder characterized by
tremors of the hand and a shuffling walk^
Paronychia infected fold of skin at edge of
nail Parotid gland one of the salivary glands
Partial pressure the amount of pressure that gas contributes
to the total pressure^
Partial - thickness burns first- and second-degree burns
Parturition childbirth
Passive immunity occurs naturally when a fetus receives its
mother’s antibodies through the placenta^
Patella kneecap
Pathogens disease-causing
microorganisms Pathology the study of
diseases of the body
Pectoralis major muscle that flexes and adducts the arm
Pectoralis minor muscle that depresses the shoulder and
-rotates scapula downward