Pelvic girdle formed by the two hipbones
Pelvic inflammatory disease bacterial infection of the
uterus,^ uterine tubes, or ovaries^
Penis the male reproductive organ used to deliver spermato-
zoa into the female reproductive tract^
Pepsin enzyme that begins to break down proteins
Pepsinogen principal gastric enzyme
Peptide bonds covalent bonds that form between different
amino acids to form proteins^
Pericardial cavity space between the epicardium of the heart
and the inner layer of the pericardial sac^
Pericardial fluid fluid in the pericardial cavity
Pericardial sac membrane covering the heart
Pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium
Pericardium membrane covering the heart
Perimetrium outermost layer of wall of the
Perimysium layer of connective tissue surrounding the fas-
cicle of a muscle^
Perineum diamond-shaped area at the inferior end of the
trunk between the buttocks and thighs of both males and
Periodic table table that arranges the elements in such a way
that similar properties repeat at periodic intervals^
Periodontal ligament anchors the root of a tooth in its
socket Periosteum fibrovascular membrane that covers a
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of all the nerves
that connect the brain and spinal cord with sensory receptors,
muscles, and glands^
Peristalsis the physical movement or pushing of food along
the digestive tract^
Peritoneum membrane lining the abdominal cavity
Peritubular capillaries surround the convoluted tubules of a
Peroneal vein drains the calf and foot
Peroneus longus muscle that everts, plantar-flexes the
foot Peroneus tertius muscle that dorsally flexes the foot
Petrous part part of the temporal bone found deep within the
base of the skull where it protects and surrounds the inner ear
Peyer’s patches aggregated lymphatic follicles found in the
wall of the small intestine^
pH the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in
a solution^
Phagocytic describing the process by which a cell eats debris
and microorganisms^
Phagocytosis the process in which phagocytes eat cellular
de-bris and other substances^
Phalanges the bones of the fingers and
toes Phalanx a single bone of a finger or
Pharyngeal tonsils adenoids
Pharynx part of the digestive tract (throat) involved in