Phimosis condition where the foreskin of the penis fits too
tightly over the head of the penis and cannot be retracted^
Phosphocreatine found in muscle tissue; provides a rapid
source of high-energy ATP for muscle contraction^
Phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL) an intermediate product of
Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) an intermediate product of
Phosphorylation process by which a phosphate is added to a
Phrenic arteries supply blood to the diaphragm
muscle Physiology the study of the functions of the
body parts Pia mater the innermost spinal or cranial
Pineal gland an endocrine gland located in the epithalamus of
the diencephalon that produces^ the hormone melatonin^
Pisiform a bone of the wrist
Pituitary gland hypophysis; the major gland of the endocrine
Pivot joint a type of synovial joint, like the joint between the
atlas and axis vertebrae^
Placenta a structure in the uterus through which the fetus
-exchanges nutrients and wastes with the mother^
Plantar fasciitis inflammation of fascia of arches
Plantar flexion pushing the foot down at the ankle
joint Plantaris muscle that plantar-flexes the foot
Plaque cholesterol-containing masses
Plasma the fluid part of blood
Plasma cells B lymphocyte cells that enter tissues and
become-^ specialized cells^
Plasma membrane membrane surrounding cells
Plasmalemma membrane surrounding cells; also called the
plasma membrane^
Pleura membrane that lines the thoracic cavity
Pleural cavity small space between the pleural membranes
Pleural membrane membrane that encloses and protects the
Pleurisy inflammation of the pleural cavity; also called
Plicae folds in the small intestine
Pneumonia pneumonitis; an infection in the lungs
Podocytes epithelial cells in the innermost layer of the
Bowman’s glomerular capsule^
Poison ivy itching condition of the skin caused by leaves of
Polar a molecule with an unequal distribution of bonding
Polar body nonfunctional cell produced in oogenesis
Polio infection causing muscle paralysis
Polydipsia excessive thirst
Polyphagia intense food
Polcystic kidney disease (PKD) abnormally enlarged
kidneys with numerous cysts