Peter Singer-Animal Liberation

(BlackTrush) #1

129.Science241: 79 (1988).

Washington Post, March 10, 1988.

  1. “Vaccine Produces AIDS Antibodies,” Washington
    Times, April 19, 1988.

132.“AIDS Policy in the Making,”Science239: 1087 (1988).

Nemesis? (Oxford: Blackwell, 1979).

The Lancet, August 9, 1986, p. 346.

  1. J.B. McKinlay,S.M. McKinlayand R. Beaglehole,
    “Trends in Death and Disease and the Contribution of
    Medical Measures” in H.E. Freemanand S. Levine, eds.,
    Handbook of Medical Sociology (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
    Prentice Hall, 1988), p. 16.

136.See William Paton,Man andMouse (Oxford:Oxford
UniversityPress, 1984); AndrewRowan, Of Mice,Models
State University of New York Press, 1984), chapter 12;
Michael DeBakey, “Medical Advances Resulting From
Animal Research,” in J. Archibald, J. Ditchfield, and H.
Rowsell, eds., The Contribution of Laboratory Animal
SciencetotheWelfare ofManand Animals:Past, Present
Alternatives to Animal Use in Research, Testing and
Education, chapter 5;

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