Peter Singer-Animal Liberation

(BlackTrush) #1

  1. From the transcript of the “Doctors Trial,” Case I,
    Rise and Fall of theThird Reich (New York: Simon and
    Basic Books, 1986).

  2. British Journal of Experimental Pathology 61: 39
    Peter Singer, ed.,In Defense of Animals, p. 85.

Straus and Giroux, 1972).

  1. See James Jones, Bad Blood:The Tuskegee Syphilis
    Experiment(New York: Free Press, 1981).

Penguin Books, 1988).

  1. E. Wynder and D. Hoffman, in Advances in Cancer
    Research 8 (1964);seealsotheRoyalCollegeofPhysicians
    report,SmokingandHealth(London, 1962)andstudies by
    the U.S. Health Department.
    Iowe thesereferences to RichardRyder, “Experiments on
    Animals,” in Stanley and Roslind Godlovitch and John
    Harris, eds.,Animals, Men and Morals, p. 78.

  2. “U.S. Lung Cancer Epidemic Abating, Death Rates
    Show,”The Washington Post, October 18, 1989, p. 1.

  3. “The Cancer Watch,” U.S. News & World Report,
    February 15, 1988.

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