BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1

HRA Pharma UK & Ireland Ltd,Tel: 0800 917
9548, [email protected]

Huntleigh Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01582) 413

Huxley Europe Ltd,Tel: (0161) 773 0485

Idis Ltd,Tel: (01932) 824 000, mi@

iMed Systems Ltd,Tel: (0203) 397 8020,
[email protected]

INCA-Pharm UK,Tel: (01748) 828 812, info@

Infai UK Ltd,Tel: (01904) 435 228, info@

Injex UK Ltd,Tel: 0845 126 8900, enquiries@

Innovative Solutions UK Ltd,Tel: (01706) 746
713, [email protected]

Insight Medical Products Ltd,Tel: (01666)
500 055, [email protected]

InterMune,Tel: (03308) 080 960, med-info@

Internis Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: 0870 851
0207, [email protected]

Intrapharm Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (01628) 771
800, [email protected]

Ipsen Ltd,Tel: (01753) 627 777,
[email protected]

Iroko Cardio GmbH,Tel: (020) 3002 8114,
[email protected]

Janssen-Cilag Ltd,Tel: 0800 731 8450,
[email protected]

Jobskin Ltd,Tel: (0115) 973 4300, dw@

Johnson & Johnson Ltd,Tel: (01628) 822 222,
[email protected]

Juvela (Hero UK) Ltd,Tel: (0151) 432 5300,
[email protected]

KCI Medical Ltd,Tel: (01865) 840 600

Kestrel Ophthalmics Ltd,Tel: (01202) 658
444, [email protected]

King Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01438) 356

K/L Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01294) 215 951

KoRa Healthcare Ltd,Tel: 0845 303 8631,
[email protected]

Kyowa Kirin Ltd,Tel: (01896) 664 000,
[email protected]

Labopharm Europe Ltd,Tel: 0800 028 0037,
[email protected]

LaCorium Health (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0800 158
8233, [email protected]

Lantor UK Ltd,Tel: (01204) 855 000, help@

LEO Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (01844) 347 333,
[email protected]

LifeScan,Tel: 0800 001 210

Lincoln Medical Ltd,Tel: (01722) 742 900,
[email protected]

Linderma Ltd,Tel: (01942) 816 184, linderma@

Lipomed GmbH,Tel: (0041) 6170 20200,
[email protected]

Livwell Ltd,Tel: 0845 120 0038, info@

LogixX Pharma Solutions Ltd,Tel: (01189) 011
747, [email protected]

L’Oréal Active Cosmetics UK,Tel: 0800 055

Lornamead UK Ltd,Tel: (01276) 674000,
[email protected]
LPC Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01582) 560
393, [email protected]
Lucane Pharma,Tel: 0033 (0) 153 868 750,
[email protected]
Lundbeck Ltd,Tel: (01908) 649 966,
[email protected]
M & A Pharmachem Ltd,Tel: (01942) 816 184
Manuka Medical Ltd,Tel: (01623) 600 669
Manx Healthcare,Tel: (01926) 482 511, info@
Marlborough Pharmaceuticals,Tel: (01279)
406 759, [email protected]
Martindale Pharma,Tel: (01277) 266 600,
[email protected]
MASTA,Tel: (0113) 238 7500, medical@
McNeil Products Ltd,Tel: (01628) 822 222
Medical Diagnostics Europe Ltd,Tel: 0845
370 8077, [email protected]
Mead Johnson Nutrition,Tel: (01895) 230 575
Meadow Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (020) 8597
Meda Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01748) 828
810, [email protected]
Medac (UK),Tel: (01786) 458 086, info@
Medical Developments UK Ltd,Tel: 0870 850
1234, [email protected]
Medicare Plus International Ltd,Tel: (020)
8810 8811, [email protected]
The Medicines Company,Tel: 00800 8436
3326, [email protected]
Medicom Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01489) 574 119,
[email protected]
Medihoney (Europe) Ltd,Tel: 0800 071 3912
Medisana,Tel: +49 (0) 2131/36 68 0
Medlock Medical Ltd,Tel: (0161) 621 2100
MedLogic Global Ltd,Tel: (01752) 209 955,
[email protected]
A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale
SRL,Tel: (01628) 856 400, menarini@
A. Menarini Diagnostics,Tel: (0118) 944 4100
Merck Serono Ltd,Tel: (020) 8818 7200,
[email protected]
Merus Labs,Tel: 00352 (0) 2637 5878,
[email protected]
Merz Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: (020) 8236 0000,
[email protected]
Micro Medical Ltd,Tel: (01634) 893 500
Milupa Aptamil,Tel: 0845 762 3676, careline@
Mitsubishi Pharma,Tel: (0207) 382 9000,
[email protected]
Mölnlycke Health Care Ltd,Tel: (0161) 777
2628, [email protected]
Moorfields Pharmaceuticals,Tel: (020) 7684
Morningside Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (0116) 204
Movianto UK,Tel: (01234) 248 500,
[email protected]
Mylan,Tel: (01707) 853 000, [email protected]
Nagor Ltd,Tel: (01624) 625 556, enquiries@
Nairn’s Oatcakes Ltd,Tel: (0131) 620 7000

Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01223) 424
Neoceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01748) 828 865
Neolab Ltd,Tel: (01256) 704 110, info@
Neomedic Ltd,Tel: (01923) 836 379,
[email protected]
Neon Diagnostics Ltd,Tel: (01376) 500 720
Nestlé Nutrition,Tel: 00800 6887 4846,
[email protected]
Newport Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (00353)
1890 3011
Nicox Pharma,Tel: (01483) 549 211,
[email protected]
Nipro Diagnostics (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0800 08 588
08, [email protected]
Nordic Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: (0118) 929 8233,
[email protected]
Norgine Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01895)
826 600, [email protected]
Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service,
Tel: (028) 9032 1414, [email protected]
Nova Laboratories Ltd,Tel: 08707 120 655,
[email protected]
Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd,Tel: (01276)
692 255, [email protected]
Novartis Consumer Health,Tel: (01276) 687
202, [email protected]
Novartis Vaccines Ltd,Tel: 0845 745 1500,
[email protected]
Novo Nordisk Ltd,Tel: (01293) 613 555
nSPIRE Health Ltd,Tel: (01992) 526 300,
[email protected]
Nualtra Ltd,Tel: 0808 101 0926, support@
Nutricia,Tel: (01225) 751 098, resourcecentre@
Nutrinovo Ltd,Tel: (01304) 829 068, info@
Nutrition Point Ltd,Tel: (07041) 544 044,
[email protected]
Nycomed UK Ltd,Tel: (01628) 646 4397,
[email protected]
OakMed Ltd,Tel: 0800 592 786, orders@
Octapharma Ltd,Tel: (0161) 837 3770,
[email protected]
Omega Pharma,Tel: (01748) 828 860,
[email protected]
Omron Healthcare (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0870 750
2771, [email protected]
Organon,Tel: (01992) 467 272,
[email protected]
Orion Pharma (UK) Ltd,Tel: (01635) 520 300,
[email protected]
Orphan Europe (UK) Ltd,Tel: (01491) 414 333,
[email protected]
Otsuka Novel Products GmbH,Tel: (0049) 892
0602 0500, [email protected]
Otsuka Pharmaceuticals (UK) Ltd,Tel: (020)
3747 5300, [email protected]
Ovation Healthcare International Ltd,Tel:
(00353) 1613 9707
Owen Mumford Ltd,Tel: (01993) 812 021,
[email protected]
Oxbridge Pharma Ltd,Tel: (020) 8335 4110,
[email protected]
Oxford Nutrition Ltd,Tel: (01626) 832 067,
[email protected]

BNFC 2018 – 2019 Index of proprietary manufacturers 1063

Index of proprietary manufacturers
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