BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019

(singke) #1
PARI Medical Ltd,Tel: (01932) 341 122,
[email protected]
Parkside Healthcare,Tel: (0161) 795 2792
PaxVax,Tel: 0800 088 5449,
[email protected]
Peckforton Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01270)
582 255, [email protected]
Penn Pharmaceuticals Services Ltd,Tel:
(01495) 711 222, [email protected]
Pfizer Ltd,Tel: (01304) 616 161, eumedinfo@
PGR Health Foods Ltd,Tel: (01992) 581 715,
[email protected]
Pharmcia,Tel: (01304) 616 161, eumedinfo@
Pharmacosmos UK Ltd,Tel: (01844) 269 007,
[email protected]
Pharma Mar,Tel: (01932) 824 000, mi@
Pharma Nord (UK) Ltd,Tel: (01670) 519 989,
[email protected]
Pharmasure Ltd,Tel: (01923) 233 466, info@
Pharmaxis Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01628)
902 053, [email protected]
PharSafer Associates Ltd,Tel: 01483 212151,
[email protected]
Phoenix Labs,Tel: (00353) 1468 8917,
[email protected]
Pinewood Healthcare,Tel: (00353) 523 6253,
[email protected]
Pinnacle Biologics Inc.,Tel: 1-866-248-2039,
[email protected]
Potters Herbal Medicines,Tel: (01942) 219
Proceli,Tel: (01226) 713 044, admin@
Procter & Gamble (Health and Beauty Care)
Ltd,Tel: (0191) 297 5000
Profile Pharma Ltd,Tel: 0800 0288 942,
[email protected]
Protex Healthcare (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0870 011
4112, [email protected]
PTC Therapeutics Ltd,Tel: (0)1483 246 865,
[email protected]
Qdem,Tel: (01223) 426 929,
[email protected]
Ranbaxy UK Ltd,Tel: (020) 8280 1986,
[email protected]
Ransom Consumer Healthcare,Tel: (01462)
437 615, [email protected]
Ratiopharm UK Ltd,Tel: (023) 9231 3592,
[email protected]
Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare,Tel: (01482)
326 151, [email protected]
Recordati Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01491)
576 336, [email protected]
ReSource Medical UK Ltd,Tel: (01484) 531
489, [email protected]
Philips Respironics (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0800 130
0840, [email protected]
RF Medical Supplies Ltd,Tel: (0151) 493 1473,
[email protected]
Richardson Healthcare Ltd,Tel: 0800 170
1126, [email protected]
Riemser Arzneimittel AG,Tel: (0049) 383 517
6679, [email protected]
RIS Products Ltd,Tel: (01438) 840 135

Robinson Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01909) 735
064, [email protected]
Roche Diagnostics Ltd,Tel: (01444) 256 000
Roche Products Ltd,Tel: 0800 328 1629,
[email protected]
Rosemont Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: 0800
919 312, [email protected]
Rowa Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (00353) 275
0077, [email protected]
RPH Pharmaceuticals,Tel: (01483) 212 151,
[email protected]
Sallis Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (0115) 978 7841
Sandoz Ltd,Tel: (01276) 698 020, sandoz@
Sanochemia Diagnostics UK Ltd,Tel: (0117)
906 3562
Sanofi-Aventis Ltd,Tel: 0845 372 7101, uk-
[email protected]
Sanofi Pasteur MSD Ltd,Tel: (01628) 785 291
SanoMed Manufacturing bv,Tel: +32 503
93627, [email protected]
Santen UK Limited,Tel: (0345) 075 4863,
[email protected]
Santhera (UK) Ltd,Tel: (0)203 434 5740,
[email protected]
Schering-Plough,Tel: (01992) 467 272,
[email protected]
Schuco International Ltd,Tel: (020) 8368
1642, [email protected]
Schülke UK,Tel: (0114) 254 3500,
Scope Ophthamics Ltd,Tel: (01293) 897 209,
[email protected]
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service,
Tel: (0131) 536 5700, contact.pfc@
SD Biosensor, Inc.,Tel: 0082 31 300 0475,
[email protected]
SD Healthcare,Tel: (0161) 776 7626, sales@
Seahorse Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (020) 8257
8412, [email protected]
Septodont Ltd,Tel: (01622) 695 520
Servier Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (01753) 666
409, [email protected]
Seven Seas Ltd,Tel: (01482) 375 234
Shermond,Tel: 0870 242 7701, sales@
Shield TX,Tel: (01915) 118500, medinfo@
Shire Human Genetic Therapies,Tel: (01256)
894 000, [email protected]
Shire Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: 0800 055
6614, [email protected]
SHS International Ltd,Tel: (0151) 228 8161
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd,Tel:
0845 600 1966,
Sigma-Tau Pharma Ltd (UK),Tel: 0800 043
1268, [email protected]
SilDerm Ltd,Tel: (01260) 271 666
Sinclair IS Pharma,Tel: (01244) 625 152,
[email protected]
The Skin Camouflage Company Ltd,Tel:
(01507) 343 091, [email protected]
Skinnies UK,Tel: (01562) 546 123, info@

SLO Drinks Ltd,Tel: 0345 222 205, info@
SMA Nutrition,Tel: (01628) 604 377,
[email protected]
Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd,Tel: (01482)
222 200, [email protected]
Sound Opinion,Tel: 0870 192 3283,
[email protected]
Speciality European Pharma Ltd,Tel: (020)
7421 7400, [email protected]
SpePharm UK Ltd,Tel: 0844 800 7579,
[email protected]
Spirit Healthcare Ltd,Tel: 0800 881 5423, cs@
Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd,Tel: (01895) 523
000, [email protected]
SSL International plc,Tel: 0870 122 2690
Stanningley Pharma Ltd,Tel: (01159) 124 253,
[email protected]
STD Pharmaceutical Products Ltd,Tel:
(01432) 373 555, [email protected]
Steraid (Gainsborough) Ltd,Tel: (01427) 677
St George’s Medical,Tel: (020) 7582 1015
Stiefel (a GSK company),Tel: 0800 221 441
Stiletto Foods UK Ltd,Tel: 0845 130 0869
Stragen UK Ltd,Tel: 0870 351 8744, info@
Sucampo Pharma,Tel: 0800 756 3416,
[email protected]
Su-Med International UK Ltd,Tel: (01457) 890
980, [email protected]
Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd,Tel:
(020) 7821 2840, [email protected]
Sutherland Health Ltd,Tel: (01635) 874 488
Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Ltd,Tel: (01638)
722 380, [email protected]
Synergy Healthcare (UK) Ltd,Tel: (0161) 624
5641, healthcaresolutions@
Syner-Med (Pharmaceutical Products) Ltd,
Tel: 0845 634 2100, [email protected]
Systagenix Wound Management,Tel: (01293)
842 000
Takeda UK Ltd,Tel: (01628) 537 900,
[email protected]
Talley Group Ltd,Tel: (01794) 503 500
Taro Pharmaceuticals (UK) Ltd,Tel: 0870 736
9544, [email protected]
Teofarma S.r.l.,[email protected]
TEVA UK Ltd,Tel: 0870 502 0304, (020) 7540
7117, [email protected]
Thea Pharmaceuticals,Tel: 0870 192 3283,
[email protected]
Therabel Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: 0800 066
5446, [email protected]
Thomas Blake Cosmetic Creams Ltd,Tel:
(01207) 272 311, [email protected]
Thornton & Ross Ltd,Tel: (01484) 842 217
Tillomed Laboratories Ltd,Tel: (01480) 402
400, [email protected]
Tillotts Pharma UK Ltd,Tel: 01522 813 500,
[email protected]
TMC Pharma Services Ltd,Tel: (01252) 842
255, [email protected]
Tobia Teff UK Ltd,Tel: (020) 7328 2045, info@

1064 Index of proprietary manufacturers BNFC 2018 – 2019

Index of proprietary manufacturers

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