
([email protected]) #1

anxiety and planted the seeds of insecurity, causing
her to question herself on every level. When she
finally reached out to me for help, this was her

“It seems like he really likes me, but he doesn’t
want to have an official relationship. I don’t want to
let him or the “non-relationship” go because it feels
good. I want companionship. He’s doing enough to
make me feel like, maybe I should just give this
some more time and see what happens.”

After a couple conversations, Cindy did admit
that there were times where she realized, Eric
wasn’t the guy that she needed him to be, or the fact
that he didn’t really behave like he was a committed
guy in a relationship.

Shortly after our initial conversation, Cindy
found out Eric was talking to another woman. Next
thing you know, he wasn’t just talking to this other
woman casually, he was with her. He entered a
relationship with this other woman and backed
away from Cindy completely.

Cindy was hurt to the core, distraught, and
further confused by everything. She swore off men

HE SAYS He Doesn’t Want a Girlfriend 13

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