
([email protected]) #1

and immediately put her walls up. The experience
created a lot of negative energy within her that we
had to work together to get her through.

She honestly didn’t understand what had
happened all in the blink of an eye. How could Eric
do this to her? They were pretty much like boyfriend
and girlfriend and had been operating that way for
over a year. Why would he not cement a relationship
with her, but then turn around and be so quick to get
into a relationship with this other woman?

Cindy’s scenario is the perfect illustration of the
danger of entertaining a man “who doesn’t want a
girlfriend but acts like your boyfriend.”

What exactly does that mean? What is really
going on here?

Let me make it plain. When a guy is engaging in
boyfriend behavior with you but doesn’t want to
initiate a relationship of any kind or give it any titles,
it’s because he doesn’t want to be committed to you.
That’s the bottom line here.

When you’re just kicking it, no matter how many
boyfriend activities he engages in, no matter how
much he talks to you, no matter what you’re able to


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