you’re deep in it, I need you to immediately
recognize why you must let it go and not continue
to give the situationship your time. Abort the
mission ASAP. If you’re not in this situation, good. I
don’t want you to get into a situation like this at all.
You’re now able to recognize it right away. I want
you to avoid it altogether.
You might be asking yourself, “But didn’t Stephan
just say the guy actually does have feelings for me?
If he’s behaving like my boyfriend, could it be he’s
just not ready for a commitment right now? If the
feelings are there, maybe I should hold on and see
what happens?”
No, you shouldn’t hold on and see what happens.
Let’s get technical here. Okay, yes, he has feelings
for you. Who cares? They’re not strong enough for
him to want to commit to you. If he’s not willing to
commit to you, you don’t need to hold on to false
hope that the non-relationship will turn into
anything more.
This is the point I want to drive home here. It’s
not that he doesn’t enjoy you. It’s not that he
doesn’t view you in high regard to some extent. It’s
not that he doesn’t think you’ll make a great partner.