
([email protected]) #1

Let’s use the example of intimacy. I’m not talking
about sex here. Sex is a form of intimacy, but it’s not
the only form. Plenty of men will have no problem
having sex with you whether they have feelings for
you or not. However, if they’re not really feeling
you, they’ll have an issue being intimate with you in
other ways. They’ll struggle with showing you
affection, whether it be in public or in private.
Other forms of intimacy include, hugging, holding
hands, caressing you, kissing you, listening to you,
being thoughtful and considerate towards you.
These all constitute forms of intimacy that require
real feelings from a man for him to do them without
your needing to ask him.

Now it’s possible that the man you’re dealing with
is someone who didn’t grow up in an environment
where outward expressions of love were given. He
might not have had the experience of being in a
family that hugged each other or kissed. Now as an
adult, it’s hard for him to behave in a way that he’s
not used to. If that is truly his issue, then it’s simple,
he’s not ready to be in a relationship.

I have no problem acknowledging that some men
legitimately struggle in certain areas with expressing

HE SAYS He Loves You, but He Doesn’t Show It 49

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