
([email protected]) #1

Ask yourself, “Why would a man be so willing to
say he loves me, but not also be willing to show it?
Aren’t men usually more able to show their love
over expressing themselves verbally and saying they
love you?”

Exactly. Typically, men struggle more with
expressing their love and feelings verbally. They often
get tripped up when trying to figure out how to say
all the sweet things a woman wants to hear. This is
true more times than not because men are usually
not raised to be communicators. It can be a struggle
for a man to open up and truly embrace his feelings
for you, let alone tell you all the time that he loves
you. Of course, that doesn’t apply to every man.

Let’s consider for a second that Robert is telling
Michelle the truth here. He might really struggle
with expressing his love with actions. As I just
pointed out, men typically struggle more with
verbally expressing emotions and feelings. However,
in this scenario we’re talking about a man who can
say he loves you, but who doesn’t show it. At the
end of the day, if he can say the words, and he means
them, there should be no reason why he can’t show
his love to you.


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