up with one another. Just like in the chapter where
he says, “He doesn’t want a girlfriend, but acts like
your boyfriend.” This is a similar situation. Except
this time, he’s telling you the right thing but doing
the opposite, which cancels out his words.
Make sure his actions align with his words. You
can’t just rely solely on one or the other to evaluate
how serious a man is about you. I would say there
should be a higher priority put on his actions over
his words. However, you really need both and they
both need to compliment the other vs. canceling
each other out. His actions must back up his words.
Too many people are experiencing a lot of
damage and fatigue from dating and relationships
simply because they’ve been in too many unhealthy,
pointless, even toxic situations. Save yourself from
going through these negative cycles. Abort the
pointless missions sooner. Don’t drag it out. Don’t
hold on because you’re scared to be alone. Once you
quickly recognize, “This isn’t for me, this isn’t going
to work,” don’t talk yourself back into it. Get out of
there with the quickness.
Now that you know what constitutes some of the
nonsense, recognize it, address it, and if it’s not