cut off. They’re hoping for an improvement in
behavior from someone who can’t or is not willing
to do better. The sooner you’re able to recognize this
and act, the happier you’ll be.
One last point I want to make about him not
showing his love but saying he loves you. Even
though I explained at length how a man could have
issues, the reality could also be that he has none. The
above example doesn’t apply to every man. There
are men out here who have no problem saying
whatever you want to hear. In most of these
situations that’s really what’s going on. He’s telling
you what you want to hear. I hate to say it, but a
smart man knows that the right words can make a
woman weak for him. The right words can make her
become putty in his hands. A lot of men know that
if they just tell a woman they love her, they’ll get a
lot further with her that way.
Is it right? No. Is it beneficial to the man? Yes.
Arguably many men have grasped this concept
and don’t have a problem telling you what you want
to hear. However, that’s all it is. Empty words. Again,
if his actions don’t line up with his words, a lie is
being told somewhere. Words and actions must line
HE SAYS He Loves You, but He Doesn’t Show It 59