
([email protected]) #1

“Yeah. Well, you know, they’re separated, and
they’re supposed to get a divorce, but it hasn’t
happened yet.”

“Okay. Tell me a little bit more about the situation.”
Before I share more of Andrea’s story, I want to
pause here to answer your doubt on the time frame.
You might be thinking to yourself, “Two years? Why
in the world would she stick around waiting for a
man that’s still married. Listen, this is real life and
this type of situation is more common than you
might think. Time flies. Before you know it, two or
three years have gone by and you’re still in the
waiting position.

Back to Andrea. She goes on to explain how they
met. They had been hanging out consistently even
though he’s always a little restricted on time and
when he can see her due to his being busy with his
kids for the weekends, etc. I continued to listen to
her story through to the end.

“So, what should I do? How should I handle this
situation? How should I proceed?” she asked.

“Well, Andrea,” I started off by making the obvious
very clear. “If he’s separated, then he’s still married.”


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