Please understand something here, if you desire
to be married one day, then you always need to
respect other people’s marriages. You can’t afford to
go around trying to play the “technical” game with
other people’s relationships because you’re caught
up in what you want at that moment.
I get it. Divorce can be tricky. It can take a long
time. It can be dragged out for a number of reasons
on either side. In some situations, the couple are
genuinely separated and genuinely have no plans on
getting back together. However, I’ll repeat myself
here. “If he’s separated, he’s still married.” This is
dangerous ground to be walking on.
Let’s just say, for example, the guy is telling the
truth about being genuinely separated but the
divorce is complicated. There could be a lot of
financial aspects that cause problems for him and
he’s trying to work everything out so that he doesn’t
come out of it with the short end of the stick. Again,
it happens. He could be genuinely telling the truth
in this case.
However, if he still has what he’s looking for on
the side with you, then he has no reason to pick up
the pace and get the deal done quicker. People will
HE SAYS He’s Separated and Getting a Divorce 81