you wanted to get really upset about resolves itself before the
deadline you set!
4. Don’t seek reassurance
It’s normal to want to know how your significant other feels about
you. However, constantly asking them is not the way to go about
If this is you, then you probably ask mul ple mes how they feel
about you. “Do you love me? How much do you love me? Are you
sure?” The list goes on.
You also likely need to have constant affec on from them (kisses,
holding hands, ect.).
This can become overbearing for the other person, and will likely
lead to the demise of your rela onship. Looking to our partner to
reassure us when we feel insecure only leads to more insecuri es.
Remember, these a tudes come from inside us, and unless we can
overcome them within ourselves, it won’t ma er how smart, sexy,
worthy, or a rac ve our partner tells us we are. No ma er what,
we must strive to feel okay within ourselves.
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