Get new clothes - when you know you are looking great, you’re
going to be feeling that much be er. Especially if you’ve neglected
yourself during the rela onship. When your ex sees you a er the
no contact period, they are going to be impressed.
- Understand why the rela onship ended.
Let’s face it, some mes the reason for the rela onship’s end is
clear. Perhaps there was a disagreement or dispute leading to your
partner’s decision to bail out. If so, ask yourself the tough
ques ons and have the courage to answer them honestly. Perhaps
you did something or said something that alienated your partner
and contributed to the breakup. Assess these behaviors and why
they occurred. Were they situa onal behaviors, habitual behaviors,
or personality characteris cs?
An understanding of the behaviors and personality characteris cs
that led to conflict allows you to learn from the experience.
Perhaps you recognize how you could have behaved differently. Or
was the conflict a result of your partner’s objec on to a belief of
yours. Do you have fundamentally different values? Are you
compa ble? Were you happy in the rela onship or just
comfortable? These are hard ques ons to ask yourself and even
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