more difficult to answer. But if you don’t face it, bad history may
repeat itself. You can’t get back with a person who is wrong for
you just because you miss him or because you’re lonely now or
because you feel rejected and you have a bruised ego. Doing so
will only lead you to repea ng the same problems and ge ng hurt
again. If you can honestly say that this is the right guy for you, that
he’s the guy you can see yourself growing old with, then you can
proceed to the reconnec ng step.
- Reconnec ng
Before you begin the process of reconnec ng, you have to make
sure it’s the right me and that you’ve made significant progress
from when you broke up. I mean you can’t go into this if you are
angry, resen ul and s ll hurt and sad. Ask yourself these
ques ons:
Have you been focusing on looking and feeling your best and feel
very confident in who you are? Can you accept that fact that he
might not get back together with you and that’s ok? Do you know
you’ll be fine? If you answered yes, then you can start to reach out.
But the way you reach out and what you say can make the
difference between success and failure here. So keep reading
because this is super Important
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