2. Go Cold Turkey
Remember that going cold turkey is o en the best way to stop an
addic ve habit, such as drugs or alcohol. It means that you just
totally, completely stop, and never do it again. Cold turkey also
implies that you'll have to bear the cravings and pains associated
with withdrawal.
And When it comes to healing a broken heart, going cold turkey
means you stop communica ng, nego a ng or scheming to get
your ex back. Cold turkey means that you do not ini ate
communica on with your ex. Remember, you’re trying to heal..
Think about it. Alcoholics and other addicts understand the risk
associated with even a single use of their drug of choice a er they
have quit. For example, one cigare e can reac vate days of
intense cravings for nico ne. It brings them right back into the
most intense withdrawal symptoms. In the same way, indulging in
the urge to look at social media of a person who broke your heart
can reac vate your addic on to them and set you back to the
beginning. Remember, lovers relapse the way drug addicts do.
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