women who have a full life. Not to women who come off as needy
and clingy...
Look, I understand that when you’re excited about someone, you
want to spend as much me with them as possible. But you must
make sure you are keeping up with the life you had prior to
mee ng him, and you can’t stop doing the things you were doing
before you met him. So make and keep plans with your girlfriends
and keep your schedule busy. This goes a long way towards
helping him to see you as a high value woman with an exci ng life.
When you do that he’s going to want to be a part of that.... and
when he isn't, he’s going to feel it.
If you have your own life, men will find that independence sexy. It
reminds him that he'sn’t the center of your world. So therefore, he
has to put more effort in to get to spend me with you. So keep
ac ve with the friendships and ac vi es you had before you met
him because that’s what made you who you are. Remember, your
rela onship started because of who you are. Lose your iden ty
and you’ll likely lose the rela onships too.
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