USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1


Imperforate Hymen

The origins of primary amenorrhea can be multiple; the two main categories are
anatomic (e.g., vaginal agenesis/septum, imperforate hymen, or Müllerian
agenesis) and hormonal (e.g., complete androgen insensitivity, gonadal
dysgenesis [Turner syndrome], or hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency).

Clinical Approach—Preliminary Evaluation

Breasts Present/Uterus  Absent Müllerian    Agenesis(46,XX) Androgen    Insensitivity(46,XY)
Uterus absent? Idiopathic MIF
Estrogen from? Ovaries Testes
Pubic hair? Present Absent
Testosterone level? Female Male

Primary amenorrhea
(+) breasts and uterus
Normal height and weight

Are breasts present or  absent? A   physical    examination will    evaluate
secondary sexual characteristics (breast development, axillary and pubic hair,
growth). Breasts are an endogenous assay of estrogen. Presence of breasts
indicates adequate estrogen production. Absence of breasts indicates
inadequate estrogen exposure.
Is a uterus present or absent? An ultrasound of the pelvis should be
performed to assess presence of a normal uterus.
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