Herb & Spice Companion

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Plant: Bulbs or “corms,” 3 to 5 inches deep, with point
facing upward
Water: Soak thoroughly after planting the corms.
Water regularly in spring, about 1 inch per week; don’t
water in summer when the plants are dormant.
Harvest: Flowers typically bloom 6 to 8 weeks after
planting, in fall, and last for 1 to 2 weeks. (However,
sometimes they’ll take a full year to flower.) To harvest, pick the flower and gently
pluck the 3 stigmas.
Care: In cold climates, dig up the corms after the first light frosts and bring them
indoors for the winter; you can also sow them in containers to make this easier. Store
them in a cool, dark spot, like a base-
ment or garage, and bring them back
outside in spring. After 4 to 6 years, dig
up the corms, divide them into smaller
batches, and replant.

Keep It Fresh
The drying process is crucial in develop-
ing saffron’s signature flavor and color.
Dry saffron threads completely in a dark,
dry location for several days. They should
feel brittle and crumble easily.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: rice, soups, stews
Prep: A pinch of saffron (between 10
to 20 threads) adds plenty of flavor to
any dish. To activate saffron’s color and
flavor for cooking, infuse the threads in
a small amount of hot water for at least
10 minutes. Bright-yellow color will seep
into the liquid. If adding saffron to a
pan of cooking liquids, just use the dry
threads, and their essence will permeate
into the pan as they heat up. For dishes without liquids, dry-roast the threads briefly
beforehand and grind them.
Serve: Saffron is added to many European stews and soups. It also brings earthy com-
plexity to sweet dishes. Use very sparingly; too much will ruin a dish with bitterness.


  • Marigold petals

  • Annatto seeds

  • Turmeric

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, artichoke, carrots,
cauliflower, celery, fennel bulb,
leeks, lemons, onions, oranges,
peas, peppers, potatoes, shallots,
Proteins: almonds, beans,
cashews, cheeses, chicken, fish
and seafood, lamb, pistachios,
Seasonings: basil, bay leaf,
cardamom, cilantro, cinnamon,
cloves, coriander seeds, cumin,
garlic, ginger, honey, lemon juice,
paprika, parsley, rosemary, thyme,

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