Herb & Spice Companion

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Container: Depends on species size
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Dry to medium, well drained; adaptable to various
well-draining soils
Plant: Root suckers or young plants; seeds require
stratification and scarification in order to germinate.
Water: Occasionally and moderately, more frequently
in hot summer weather and during drought; somewhat drought tolerant
Harvest: In the fall, when berries are bright and covered with fine hairs, they’re ready
for harvest. Snip off clusters at the base of the stem.

Keep It Fresh
Dry fresh berries in the sun or in the oven
for several days. Store whole dried ber-
ries in an airtight container for up to a
year. Ground sumac will stay fresh for a
few months.
To extract juice from the berries and
store it for future use, infuse fresh berries
in water for several hours or overnight.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Marinades, rubs, dressings, sal-
ads, breads, stews, stuffings, beverages
Prep: To infuse sumac flavor into mari-
nades, dressings, and beverages, lightly
crush or crack open the berries, then
soak in water for up to 30 minutes.
Strain and squeeze any remaining juice
out of the berries, then use as needed.
Or, grind whole berries to a powder
using a food processor. The goal is to separate the dried red flesh and skin from the
berries’ seeds and stems, so use the processor on low power until the red sumac
detaches from the yellow seeds. Run the powder through a sieve to remove any hard
bits. Include as much flesh and skin as possible for the best sumac flavor.
Serve: Sumac can be used in place of lemon juice; it’s the perfect dry alternative
when less liquid is needed. Sprinkle it over salads, hummus, and yogurt dips. Sumac
makes a tasty rub for grilled meats. It’s a common seasoning for lamb kebabs and
pairs just as well with chicken and fish.


  • Lemon juice

  • Lemon zest + salt

  • Vinegar

Vegetables: avocado, carrots,
cucumber, eggplant, lettuce,
onions, peppers, potatoes,
tomatoes, zucchini
Proteins: beans, beef, chicken,
chickpeas, fish and seafood, lamb,
lentils, pine nuts, walnuts
Seasonings: allspice, chili
peppers, coriander seeds, cumin,
garlic, ginger, lemon juice and
zest, mint, oregano, paprika,
parsley, pepper, rosemary, sesame
seeds, thyme

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