Herb & Spice Companion

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Tamarindus indica

Flavors: tart, acidic, fruity, sweet

Tamarind is a brown, sticky pulp found inside the seedpods of a large evergreen tree.
Also known as “date of India,” or tamr-
al-hindi in Arabic, it is native to eastern
Africa, grows wild in India, and is culti-
vated in tropical climates across the globe.
A common ingredient in Indian and
Southeast Asian cuisines, tamarind brings
acidity and sour flavor to the signature
spicy dishes of those regions. When
ripe, the pulp is removed from its brit-
tle pod and molded into blocks or slabs,
sometimes with its fibers and seeds still
included. It’s also sold as tamarind paste
and concentrate—a thick syrup without
the fibers and seeds—as well as dried
powder. Tamarind extract is a key ingre-
dient in Worcestershire sauce.

In the Garden
The tamarind tree thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. Grown from seed, a
tree can take 8 years to bear fruit, while a grafted tree will fruit in a fraction of that.
Size: 40 to 60 feet tall (rarely, up to 100 feet), 25 to 30 feet wide
Container: 1 to 2 feet in diameter and 20 inches deep, depending on tree size
Light: Full sun to filtered sun
Soil: Dry to moist, well drained; adaptable to various well-draining soils
Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or grafted trees; grafted trees are quickest to fruit.
Water: Regularly and thoroughly after sowing and for the first few years, when the
soil feels dry 1 inch deep; decrease during seedling stage, then water only occasion-
ally or not at all when mature; drought tolerant.

Tamarind may help boost the
digestive system and offer mild
laxative effects, thanks to its dietary
fiber content. This fiber is also
known to help lower blood sugar and
regulate appetite, making tamarind a
healthy substitute for refined sugar.
Believed to lower cholesterol levels
and improve liver function, tamarind
also contains vitamin C and beta-
carotene, two powerful antioxidants
that can help stave off signs of aging
and boost immunity.

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