Herb & Spice Companion

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Laurus nobilis

Other common name: Bay Laurel

Bay Leaf

Flavors: subtly herbal and woody,
intended as a background or base

Bay leaves are an integral aromatic ingredient in many cuisines, including French,
Indian, and Mediterranean. They’re used in classic French béchamel sauce and the
bouquet garni herb mixture (see page
250). Perfect for recipes that undergo
long cook times, they release their fla-
vors gradually while cooking, creating
a deep background flavor that imbues
an entire dish. Bay leaves are always
removed before serving, as they’re hard
and sharp even after cooking.
Grown on bay laurel trees, this is one
of those rare herbs that’s best consumed
in dried form. In fact, finding fresh bay
leaves at your local market might be a
challenge—and if you do find them,
they will probably be the variety grown
in California, from a different tree and
bearing a very different (minty) flavor.

In the Garden
The bay laurel tree can grow quite tall in the ground (like 60 feet!), but you can con-
trol its size by planting it in a container. This will also make it possible to move the tree
indoors during the cold-weather months.
Size: 6 to 60 feet tall
Container: The largest size you like

Bay leaves contain eugenol, an
antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
compound that’s used as a mild
anesthetic at the dentist’s office.
The herb is also known to encourage
healthy digestion and can prevent
and help relieve gas, cramps, and
general stomach upset. It’s a natural
diuretic, stimulating urination along
with the body’s detox processes,
and it’s believed to help regulate
blood sugar.

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