Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1






Marrakesh will leave you cursing carry-on restrictions, especially in the medina. Be selective,
chat before you begin bargaining for items you’re sure you want and buy only from
shopkeepers who are pleasant in return – that way, you’ll have a great story to accompany
your scores, and won’t wind up hot and bothered in the souqs.

No matter how you’re faring elsewhere in the souqs, you can count on retail highs from
boutiques selling items made by local cooperatives and with recycled materials, supporting fair
trade and local nonprofits – and prices at these stores are fair and fixed. All the places listed in
this section are great sustainable shopping options.

Cooperative Artisanale des Femmes de Marrakesh

Offline map Google  map (    0524   37  83  08; 67  Souq    Kchachbia;   10am-1pm   &   3.30-

7pm Sat-Thu) A showcase for Marrakesh’s women mâalems (master artisans), the
cooperative is eye-opening and a total bargain. Original, handcrafted designs include handbags
made from water-bottle caps wrapped in wool, hand-knit kissa (hammam gloves), and black-
and-white caftans edged with red silk embroidery – ask cooperative director Souad Boudeiry
about getting tunics and dresses tailor-made.


Offline map Google  map (    0524   37  82  93;;   57  Rue Laksour;     10am-

6pm) A smart nonprofit boutique where you can find luxe household linens minutely embroidered
along the edges for less than you’d pay for plain cotton back home. You can also get fabulous
hand-stitched Marrakesh-mod tunics, dresses and shirts for men, women and kids, and there’s
no extra charge for alterations. All items here are made by disabled local women, and
purchases pay for their salaries, training programs and a childcare centre.


Offline map Google  map (    0661   86  44  07;,   in  Japanese;   21

Souq Kchachbia) When an intrepid Japanese traveller met a hip Marrakshi designer, they
discovered a shared love for craft, reclaimed materials and wabi-sabi (organic forms). Hicham
and Michiko now have a family and this highly original boutique, featuring babouches (slippers)
made from flour sacks, mirrors made of Libya oil drums, and hammam tote bags made with
recycled feed bags.

L’Art du Bain Savonnerie Artisanale

Offline map Google map ( 0668 44 59 42;; Souq Lebbadine; 10am-7pm
Mon-Sat) Do your skin and the planet a favour with biodegradable, pure plant-oil soaps made in
Marrakesh with fragrant blends of local herbs, flowers and spices. As Khadija will explain,
some ingredients in these soaps aren’t easy to come by, especially prickly-pear cactus extract
and donkey’s milk. It’s near Souq Sebbaghine.


Offline map Google  map (    0661   08  20  41;;   8   Rue Laksour;     10am-
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