Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1





8pm) A hip boutique near Bab Ksour that engages the city’s most inventive artisans to come up
with clever gifts: handbags woven from recycled T-shirts, rings with interchangeable felt
baubles and adorable children’s nightgowns embroidered with ‘good night’ in Arabic. Fifteen
percent of the price on all kids’ items goes to a local nonprofit children’s organisation.

Assouss Cooperative d’Argane

Offline map Google  map (    0524   38  01  25; 94  Rue el-Mouassine;    9am-1pm    &   3-7pm

Sat-Thu, 9am-noon Fri) For pampering and foodie finds, this is the Marrakesh retail outlet of a
women’s argan cooperative outside Essaouira. The all-women staff will ply you with free
samples of amlou (argan-nut butter) and proudly explain how their ultra-emollient cosmetic oil
and gourmet dipping oils are made. You’ll find it near Mouassine Fountain.


Offline map Google  map (    0524   42  90  42; 1   Pl  Douar   Graoua, cnr Rue Riad    Zitoun  el-

Jedid; 10am-noon & 3-7.30pm) A standout collection of locally designed items at fixed
prices. Recent scores include graphite ceramic olive-oil cruets, breezy ice-blue linen tunics,
citrus seed-bead necklaces with a clever antique-coin closure, and hip, hand-sewn coasters
from Tigmi women’s cooperative (Click here ).

Creations Pneumatiques

Offline map Google  map (    066    091746; 110 Rue Riad    Zitoun  el-Kedim;    10am-7pm)  To

buy crafts directly from Marrakesh’s recycling artisans, head over to Riad Zitoun el-Kedim and
check out lanterns, bowls and belts cleverly fashioned from tin cans and tyres. There are
several to choose from, but this place has a good selection of Michelin mirrors, inner-tube
jewellery boxes, and man-bags with street cred (look for the framed Bob Marley poster).


Upscale fixed-price boutiques worth checking out in the ville nouvelle for gifts, fashion and
household linens line Rue de la Liberté and intersecting Rue Vieux Marrakshis in Guéliz. While
you’re in the neighbourhood, don’t miss galleries showcasing contemporary Moroccan artists
(Click here ). To give your home a complete fashion-forward Marrakshi makeover, hop a cab
from downtown to the design outlets of Quartier Sidi Ghanem.

Good bargainers can get better deals on traditional Marrakshi crafts in the medina, but for a
wide selection, it’s worth checking out two ville-nouvelle crafts hot spots.

Ensemble Artisanal

Offline map Google  map (   Ave Mohammed    V;   9.30am-12.30pm &   3-7pm   Mon-Sat)    To  get a

jump start on the souqs, come to this government-sponsored showcase, across from Cyber
Park, to glimpse master artisans at work and see the range of crafts and prices Marrakesh has
to offer. The set prices are higher than in the souqs, but it’s hassle-free shopping and the
producer gets paid directly.

Marcheé Ibn Toumert
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