Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1



There’s loads of fresh fruit and veg for sale in the medina on the road leading east to Bab el-
Okla. The central market (closed Friday) around the corner from Lovers Park puts on a good
display, with fish brought in from the coast. Epicerie Restinga Offline map Google map (cnr Rue

du Prince Héritier Sidi Mohamed & Rue Ben Aboud; 9am-10pm) sells alcohol.


As is the Moroccan norm, Tetouan’s drinking establishments are firmly in the male sphere. The
more welcoming cafes are listed under Eating; for a drop of the hard stuff, head for the dark
and smoky bars along Rue 10 Mai, northwest of Pl Moulay el-Mehdi. If you just want a beer,
Restaurant Restinga is the place.


Apart from a palace meal, Cinéma Avenida Offline map Google map (Pl al-Adala; admission

Dh20-35; film times 3.30pm, 6.30pm & 9.30pm) is the only game in town. Films are usually
in French or Arabic, with some Spanish.


Wood and leatherwork are the local specialities; for the latter go straight to the source at the
small tannery Offline map Google map (Bab M’Kabar) in the north of the medina.

Dar Lebadi

Offline map Google  map (Jenoui section)    The shopping    palace  of  the medina, this    200-year-old

building, a former governor’s house, has been meticulously restored, and is a clearing house for
Berber artisans and Rabati carpets, with friendly staff. Worth a stop just to see the building, but
be careful: you may be there for hours.

Ensemble Artisanal

(Ave Hassan II; 8am-8pm Mon-Sat) This government-sponsored emporium is a hive of
activity, with carpet weavers, leatherworkers, jewellers and woodworkers all plying their trades.
Prices are fixed.


Internet Access
Imex Media (19 Ave Mohammed V; per hr Dh5)

Remote Studios (13 Ave Mohammed V; per hr Dh9; 9am-midnight)

Medical Services
Clinique du Croissant Rouge (Red Cross Clinic; 0539 96 20 20; Pl al-Hammama,
Quartier Scolaire)

Main hospital ( 0539 97 24 30; Martil Rd) About 2km out of town.

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