Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

Pharmacie El-Feddan Offline map Google map ( 0539 96 80 51; Pl Hassan II; 9am-1pm,
3.30-8pm) Pharmacy in medina.

There are plenty of banks with ATMs along Ave Mohammed V.

BMCE (Pl Moulay el-Mehdi) Change cash and travellers cheques outside regular banking

Post office (Pl Moulay el-Mehdi)

Tourist Information
ONMT (Délégation Régionale du Tourisme; 0539 96 19 15; fax 0539 96 19 14; 30 Ave
Mohammed V) The staff here are helpful and have lots of brochures and maps available. The
1951 murals of northern Morocco here are worth a visit, too.

Travel Agencies
Voyages Travelmar Offline map Google map ( 0539 71 42 37; 5 Ave Mohammed V; 9am-

noon & 2.30-6.30pm Mon-Sat) Voyages Hispamaroc Offline map Google map ( /fax 0539 71

33 38; 23 Ave Mohammed V; 8.30am-12.30pm & 3-7pm Mon-Fri, 9am-12.30pm Sat)

Getting There & Away

The Tetouan airport opens for occasional charter flights from Paris and Brussels but has no
scheduled service. Persistent rumours that a full-fledged airport is coming may be inspired by
efforts to sell foreigners real estate.

Tetouan is now blessed with a modern bus station . There is an electronic timetable but bus
touts are still in place – just walk past them and read the departure times on your own. You can
get to any town in the north from here. There’s a left-luggage office (medium/large bag

CTM has its own station a five minute taxi ride away from the main bus station. It is a better
bet for quality reasons and for any long-haul destinations.

Fez Dh90, five hours

Rabat Dh100, four to five hours

Marrakesh Dh235, 11 hours

Local destinations include:

Martil Dh4, 25 minutes

M’Diq Dh8, one hour

Fnideq Dh10, 1¼ hours

Left luggage is Dh5 per kilogram per day.

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