Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

Things Go Well

(^) It is imperative that children learn to honor and obey. It will go
well with them. Their obedience is not secured so that you can be
obeyed for your sake. You must be obeyed for their sakes! They are
the direct beneficiaries of honoring and obeying Mom and Dad. The
disobedient child has moved outside the circle of blessing. The parent
must quickly restore the child to the proper relationship with God and
the parent. As the child returns to the circle of blessing, things go well
for him. He enjoys long life.
Safety Rather Than Danger
(^) The circle of submission to parental authority is the place of
safety. By implication, being outside that circle is a place of danger;
it will not go well with him and he will not enjoy a long life.
(^) Your child is in danger if he is rebellious and disobedient. You,
therefore, must move swiftly to return him to the circle of protection
and safety.
The Rescue Function

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