Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

(^) 4. Where are the secrets in your home? Do you share too much
and thus burden your children with problems too big for them? Do
you share too little and thus insulate them from life and dependence
on God?
(^) 5. Who is the boss in your home? Is there a centralized
authority, or does your family make decisions by committee?
(^) 6. What are the patterns for conflict resolution? How have
these patterns affected each of your children? Is change warranted? If
so, what change?
(^) 7. What constitutes success or failure in your home?
(^) 8. What events have been pivotal in your family history? How
have these events affected you? How have they affected your
(^) 9. Do you tend to be a determinist in the way you look at
childrearing? Are you able to see that your children are active
responders to the shaping influences in their lives? How do you see
them responding?

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