Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

backseat behavior, 104–6, 132–35
challenges, age-appropriate, 48
change, 13 , 64 , 115–16
character, 25 , 26
cheating, 246
child abuse, 58
best interests of, 22–23, 76
divorce and, 153–60
involvement with, 26 , 34 , 68 , 192
pressures on, 223
putting first, 49–50, 114
choices, 65 . See also decision making
age-appropriate, 83
availability of, 26
about cleaning up rooms, 215
about consequences, 219
delivery of, 95–96
about discipline, 56
about eating, 162
enforcing, 59
fighting against, 75
freedom to make, 28–30
of friends, 173–74
gaining control through, 79–96
God-given, 30
about homework, 190–91
implied, 96
within limits, 27 , 30 , 57 , 76 , 80 , 81–83
in limit-setting, 77
poor, 59 , 77 , 99 , 149
realistic, 59 , 76 , 95–96, 113
repeating, 95 , 122

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