Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

resistance to, 94–95
rules for giving, 96
about sports, 224
about staying in room, 216–17
thinking about, 75 , 221
choices, offering, 13 , 27 , 69 , 242
honesty in, 113
chores, 30 , 55 , 84 , 136–38
doing others’, 209
fair share of, 167
giving up on, 252–53
negotiating, 137
time for doing, 138
who does, 175
church attendance, 139–40
cleanup, 56 , 137 , 210–12
of room, 214–15
clothes, 29 , 177–78
command-oriented parents, 69–70
commands. See orders
commiseration, 108 , 123
commitment, 30
common sense, 22 , 48 , 147
communication. See also talk
nonverbal, 40 , 200–202
with teachers, 232
compassion, 72 , 94
competence, 25–26, 40
trust in, 37 , 168
competition, 40 , 224
complaining, 254–55
computers, 194–97, 248–53. See also Internet
concern, 30 , 103 , 182 , 187

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