1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

Now take them through the rest of the procedure, so they get a feel
for being counted, hitting three, getting to the time-out room or chair,
serving the time (abbreviate the time-out), and then being let out.
Make sure you praise them in an age-appropriate way for their
Other possible role plays: The little ones can count a stuffed
animal. Mom and Dad can count each other (after one pretends to be a
misbehaving kid). The kids can count you, and you go to time-out.
While on your way to time-out, don’t go like a Goody Two-shoes.
Grumble a little! The message: it’s OK to not like being counted and
going to time-out.
At this point, you may feel that you’re ready to start using the 1-2-
3 program. But remember—about half of kids will struggle with the
counting system and continue to act out despite being counted. In the
next chapter, we’ll discuss the Six Kinds of Testing and Manipulation
that your kids might use to derail the 1-2-3 Magic program, and how
you can prepare for those behaviors to keep your family on track.


You’re almost ready to begin your first giant parenting step:

Controlling Obnoxious   Behavior!
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