1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

One final word: after cooperating initially, some kids become
“delayed testers” later. Delayed testing can occur after the novelty of
the new system wears off, when the children begin to realize that they
aren’t getting their way anymore, or if your routine gets disrupted by
travel, visitors, illness, new babies, or other factors.
If you’re unprepared for it, delayed testing can be a bit
disillusioning. You think to yourself, “The kids were so good before!”
You may feel like the whole system is falling apart, or that it was too
good to be true. Fortunately, the remedy is not far away. Read 1-2-3
Magic again, watch the DVD, discuss the suggestions with your
spouse if possible, then get back to basics. Practice No Talking, No
Emotion; be gentle but aggressive; and when in doubt, count.


Kids’ All-Time Favorite Tactic?

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