1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

Set the timer for fifteen minutes and give the child a cue that it’s
time to get started. Many of the little ones are already out of bed, so
that item on the chart has been successfully completed. Whichever
other tasks the child finishes before the timer goes off are recognized
with special stickers.
With kids in the primary grades, the chart may have all the
morning-routine items on it and the timer may or may not be
necessary. For each task, the child earns her favorite sticker for a
super job and her next favorite sticker for a good job. No sticker at all
means “You blew it today, better luck tomorrow!” The application of
the stickers, of course, should be accompanied by a lot of praise:
“Good job!” or “Wow, you did it in only twelve minutes!”
In some families, breakfast and TV must wait until the child is
totally ready to leave the house—washed, dressed, and packed. The
breakfast, entertainment, and praise serve as reinforcers for the
child’s successful Start behavior.
What about fighting, teasing, whining, or other Stop behavior in
the morning? Stop behavior should be counted as usual. If there is
time for a time-out, don’t hesitate to use one. If there is not enough
time, consider using a time-out alternative. “Guys, that’s 3. Bedtime
is fifteen minutes earlier for both of you tonight. OK, let’s get in the

Responsibility Training for Older Kids

For children nine years old and up (including high school age), you
can still use the methods just described. But if you have the guts—and

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