The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically I

(sharon) #1
Plan B 103

have come up before, that this isn’t the first time home-
work has been an issue, and that scary movies have been a
concern for your child previously. Here’s how the empathy
step would sound if we were attempting Proactive Plan B:

Adult (Empathy, using Proactive B): I know that your
medicine has been making you sick to your
stomach and that you’re not too happy about

Adult (Empathy, using Proactive B): We were thinking
of going to the movies this afternoon and I know
that sometimes you don’t want to go because
you’re worried there will be scary parts.

Adult (Empathy, using Proactive B, with an attempt to
clarify): I’ve noticed that homework has been a
struggle lately. But I don’t think I understand why
that is. What’s up with the homework?
Child: It’s too hard for me.
Adult (Refined Empathy, with another attempt to
clarify): It’s too hard for you. Is there a certain part
that’s hard for you?
Child: The writing part. At school they don’t make
me do as much writing as you do.
Adult (Refined Empathy): Ah, the writing part is hard
for you and I make you do more writing than they
do at school.
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