The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically I

(sharon) #1
Plan B 105

(note that all are continuations of the Proactive Plan B
discussions above):

Adult (Empathy): I know that your medicine has
been making you sick to your stomach and that
you’re not too happy about that.
Child: Yeah.
Adult (Define the Problem): I’m not too happy about
it either. The thing is, I’m a little worried about
what will happen if we just yank you off the meds
without talking to Dr. Lazarus. Plus, the medicine
seems to be helping you control your temper a
little better.

Adult (Empathy): We were thinking of going to
the movies this afternoon and I know that
sometimes you don’t want to go because
you’re worried that there will be scary
Child: I don’t like scary movies.
Adult (Reassurance and Define the Problem): I know,
and I’m not saying you have to go to a scary
movie. The thing is, your brother is really looking
forward to going to the movies and I can’t send
him to the movies alone.
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