toys/activities near the potty. A calm jar can work wonders. So can
reciting the alphabet or counting. Anything to distract the child into
sitting. I’m not a huge proponent of screen time on the potty, but a
short YouTube video can be helpful if your child really keeps popping
up. Once the dots start to connect with the feeling of having to go
pee, the child usually begins to sit still for the full release.
- Pee is going great. What can I do about poop? She consistently
poops in her pants.
Pooping in pants is common in the beginning of potty training
because the pants provide a layer of fabric similar to the feel and
privacy of a diaper. Even though it makes no logical sense that this is
private because then the child must be changed, it is more private
than the naked butt. This is mostly the same muscle memory concept
for commando. The fix for this pooping is to go back to the naked
bum. You may have to be naked bum in the house for some time. I
highly suggest coconut mild smoothies to keep the poop really
regular. You may have to do another full weekend with the naked
bum. You don’t have to watch as vigilantly as you did in the
beginning. Most children won’t poop on the floor while naked
bummed. Remember: again, this is about habit. For two-plus years,
your child has pooped in his “pants.” It’s about breaking that habit,
right? I find that’s an easier way to think about it. Once you have
several poops in a row on the potty, the new habit is good to go. But
always take away the barrier to success first. And that is usually