146 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice
Will coaching be provided to learners in stages?
When will the coaching take place? How will meetings be
arranged — scheduled at the end of each coaching session
or scheduled a month or more in advance?
and processes
What modality of coaching will be used? Email?
Telephone? In person? Webinar? Is it appropriate for the
learner to contact the coach to share ideas or thoughts
between sessions? How much time does the coach have to
dedicate to this coaching process, in other words, do
financial resources limit the amount of time the coach can
spend on this process?
What is the best way for the coach to spend the majority
of his or her time?
How will the coach log the work? What evidence does the
coach need to provide?
How will the agency and learner demonstrate how they
use the coaching services?
supports and
resources (how
th e agency will
support the
Are there special considerations for how the coach will be
supported within the agency, will he or she be introduced
at staff meetings?
What resources are available for the coach? Technology?
Space? Office supplies?