Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

The Nervous System


Student Objectives (Continued)

  • State the locations and functions of cerebrospinal

  • Name the cranial nerves, and state their functions.

  • Explain how the sympathetic division of the auto-
    nomic nervous system enables the body to adapt
    to a stress situation.

  • Explain how the parasympathetic division of the
    autonomic nervous system promotes normal body
    functioning in relaxed situations.

New Terminology

Afferent (AFF-uh-rent)
Autonomic nervous system (AW-toh-NOM-ik)
Cauda equina (KAW-dah ee-KWHY-nah)
Cerebral cortex (se-REE-bruhl KOR-teks)
Cerebrospinal fluid (se-REE-broh-SPY-nuhl)
Choroid plexus (KOR-oid PLEK-sus)
Corpus callosum (KOR-pus kuh-LOH-sum)
Cranial nerves (KRAY-nee-uhl NERVS)
Efferent (EFF-uh-rent)
Gray matter (GRAYMA-TUR)
Neuroglia (new-ROG-lee-ah)
Neurolemma (NYOO-ro-LEM-ah)

Parasympathetic (PAR-uh-SIM-puh-THET-ik)
Reflex (REE-fleks)
Somatic (soh-MA-tik)
Spinal nerves (SPY-nuhl NERVS)
Sympathetic (SIM-puh-THET-ik)
Ventricles of brain (VEN-trick’ls)
Visceral (VISS-er-uhl)
White matter (WIGHTMA-TUR)

Related Clinical Terminology
Alzheimer’s disease (ALZ-high-mer’s)
Aphasia (ah-FAY-zee-ah)
Blood–brain barrier (BLUHD BRAYNE)
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (se-REE-broh-
Lumbar puncture (LUM-bar PUNK-chur)
Meningitis (MEN-in-JIGH-tis)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) (MULL-ti-puhl skle-
Neuralgia (new-RAL-jee-ah)
Neuritis (new-RYE-tis)
Neuropathy (new-RAH-puh-thee)
Parkinson’s disease (PAR-kin-son’s)
Remission (ree-MISH-uhn)
Spinal shock (SPY-nuhl SHAHK)

Terms that appear in bold typein the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.

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