Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

Some Basic Chemistry


New Terminology

Acid (ASS-sid)
Amino acid (ah-MEE-noh ASS-sid)
Atom (A-tum)
Base (BAYSE)
Buffer system (BUFF-er SIS-tem)
Carbohydrates (KAR-boh-HIGH-drayts)
Catalyst (KAT-ah-list)
Cell respiration (SELL RES-pi-RAY-shun)
Covalent bond (ko-VAY-lent)
Dissociation/ionization (dih-SEW-see-AY-
Element (EL-uh-ment)
Enzyme (EN-zime)
Extracellular fluid (EKS-trah-SELL-yoo-ler)
Intracellular fluid (IN-trah-SELL-yoo-ler)
Ion (EYE-on)
Ionic bond (eye-ON-ik)
Lipids (LIP-ids)
Matter (MAT-ter)
Molecule (MAHL-e-kuhl)
Nucleic acids (new-KLEE-ik ASS-sids)
pH and pH scale (pee-h SKALE)
Protein (PROH-teen)
Salt (SAWLT)
Solvent/solution (SAHL-vent/suh-LOO-shun)
Steroid (STEER-oyd)
Trace elements (TRAYSE EL-uh-ments)

Related Clinical Terminology
Acidosis (ASS-i-DOH-sis)
Atherosclerosis (ATH-er-oh-skle-ROH-sis)
Hypoxia (high-POK-see-ah)
Saturated fats (SAT-uhr-ay-ted)
Unsaturated (un-SAT-uhr-ay-ted) fats

Terms that appear in bold typein the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.

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