Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Main features of Approved Document (A.D.) M: Access to and use
of buildings, and other associated guidance †

* Site entrance or car parking space to building entrance to be
firm and level. Building approach width 900 mm min. A gentle
slope is acceptable with a gradient up to 1 in 20 and up to 1
in 40 in cross falls. A slightly steeper ramped access or easy
steps should satisfy A.D. Sections 614 & 615, and 616 & 6 17
* An accessible threshold for wheelchairs is required at the
principal entrance † see illustration.
* Entrance door † minimum clear opening width of 775 mm.
* Corridors, passageways and internal doors of adequate width
for wheelchair circulation. Minimum 750 mm † see also table 1
in A.D. Section 7.
* Stair minimum clear width of 900 mm, with provision of
handrails both sides. Other requirements as A.D. K for private
* Accessible light switches, power, telephone and aerial sockets
between 450 and 1200 mm above floor level.
* WC provision in the entrance storey or first habitable storey.
Door to open outwards. Clear wheelchair space of at least
750 mm in front of WC and a preferred dimension of 500 mm
either side of the WC as measured from its centre.
* Special provisions are required for passenger lifts and stairs in
blocks of flats, to enable disabled people to access other
storeys. See A.D. Section 9 for details.

Refs. Accessible thresholds in new housing † Guidance for house
builders and designers. The Stationery Office.
BS 8300: Design of buildings and their approaches to meet
the needs of disabled people. Code of practice.

Access for the Disabled---Dwellings

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