Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Main features ~

  • Site entrance, or car parking space to building entrance to be
    firm and level, ie. maximum gradient 1 in 20 with a minimum
    car access zone of 1200 mm. Ramped and easy stepped
    approaches are also acceptable.

* Access to include tactile warnings, ie. profiled (blistered or
ribbed) pavings over a width of at least 1200 mm, for the
benefit of people with impaired vision. Dropped kerbs are
required to ease wheelchair use.

* Special provision for handrails is necessary for those who
may have difficulty in negotiating changes in level.

* Guarding and warning to be provided where projections or
obstructions occur, eg. tactile paving could be used around
window opening areas.

  • Sufficient space for wheelchair manoeuvrability in entrances.

Minimum entrance
width of 800 mm.
Unobstructed space of
at least 300 mm to
the leading (opening)
edge of door. Glazed
panel in the door to
provide visibility from
500 to 1500 mm above
floor level. Entrance
lobby space should be
sufficient for a
wheelchair user to
clear one door before
opening another.

  • Internal door openings, minimum width 750 mm. Unobstructed
    space of at least 300 mm to the leading edge. Visibility panel
    as above.

Access for the Disabled---Buildings Other Than Dwellings

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