Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
* Main access and internal fire doors that self-close should have
a maximum operating force of 20 Newtons at the leading
edge. If this is not possible, a power operated door opening
and closing system is required.
* Corridors and passageways, minimum unobstructed width
1200 mm. Internal lobbies as described on the previous page
for external lobbies.
* Lift dimensions and capacities to suit the building size. Ref. BS
EN 81 series: Safety rules for the construction and installation
of lifts. Alternative vertical access may be by wheelchair
stairlift † BS 5776: Specification for powered stairlifts,ora
platform lift † BS 6440: Powered lifting platforms for use by
disabled persons. Code of practice.
* Stair minimum width 1200 mm, with step nosings brightly
distinguished. Rise maximum 12 risers external, 16 risers internal
between landings. Landings to have 1200 mm of clear space
from any door swings. Step rise, maximum 170 mm and uniform
throughout. Step going, minimum 250 mm (internal), 280 mm
(external) and uniform throughout. No open risers. Handrail to
each side of the stair.
* Number and location of WCs to reflect ease of access for
wheelchair users. In no case should a wheelchair user have to
travel more than one storey. Provision may be `unisex' which
is generally more suitable, or `integral' with specific sex
conveniences. Particular provision is outlined in Section 5 of
the Approved Document.
* Section 4 of the Approved Document should be consulted for
special provisions in restaurants, bars and hotel bedrooms, and
for special provisions for spectator seating in theatres, stadia
and conference facilities.

Refs. Building Regulations, Approved Document M: Access to and
use of buildings.
Disability Discrimination Act.
BS 9999: Code of practice for fire safety in the design,
management and use of buildings.
PD 6523: Information on access to and movement within and
around buildings and on certain facilities for disabled people.
BS 8300: Design of buildings and their approaches to meet
the needs of disabled people. Code of practice.

Access for the Disabled---Buildings Other Than Dwellings (Cont.)

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