Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Table 9 - 4 Layers Properties for Flexible Pavement Structures

Layer Type FAA Specification Item (^) Thickness (mm)
HMA Surface^1 Asphalt (HMA) P-401, HotPavements Mix^ 101.6 mm
Stabilized HMA Base^2
P- 401
127 mm
Crushed Aggregate Base3,^ P-209, CrushedBase Course^ Aggregate 236.9 mm
Subgrade CBR 47 Natural ground 0

  1. Item P-401 is to be used as the surface course for pavements serving aircraft
    weighing more than 12,500 pounds (5,670 kg).

  2. If aircraft in the design traffic mix have gross loads of 100,000 pounds (45,359
    kg) or more then the use of a stabilized base is required.

  3. P-209, Crushed Aggregate Base Course.

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