Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

9.3.2 Design of Exit Taxiways' Flexible Pavements

Due to the difference in traffic volume at the exits compared to the runway, the exit layers will be
designed separately from the runway, depending on the percentage of aircraft that use each exit, as
shown in Table 9- 6.

Table 9 - 6 Exit Taxiways

Exit Exit Type

Point of Curvature
Location (m)

% Aircraft
E- 1 30 1,500 1.5%
E- 2 30 1,900 26.9%
E- 3 30 2,200 37.5%
E- 4 90 2,600 23.8%
E- 5 90 3,600 10.2%

Notes: 1 - The percentage as specified in Section 7.5.2

Depending on the traffic on each exit in the previous table, exit 3 will be the reference for the design
of layers for all exits, since it passes the largest percentage of traffic. As shown in Figure 9- 5.

Figure 9 - 5 Flexible Design – Exit Taxiway

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